Pastor Elim and Dr. Lavencia Shawver have an Apostolic mandate to teach, train, and equip the people of God to walk in Kingdom Dominion. They have been sought out to serve on many Prophetic Presbytery teams throughout the United States and have been proven as accurate prophets sent by God. They also are called to the deliverance ministry and have ministered to people by appointments as well as ministered mass deliverances in conferences. Together they have 4 children and are the founders of Kingdom Faith Global Church and now live in Florida where they are the leaders and founders of The Launch Church International Training Center.
The Shawvers were prophesied that when they got married (2015), God was going to merge 2 ministries together and make them one. They have ministered at Singles Conferences and shared their love story and how God delivered them to encourage singles to wait on God. They have flowed together as a team in many ministry assignments and speaking engagements. They have a Priscilla and Aquila mandate to pour into 5-fold ministry gifts that need additional training and restoration. (Acts 18: 18,26)


Pastor Shawver attended Rhema Bible
Training Center in Broken Arrow, OK and is a graduate of MS State University with a degree in Business Adm. He was ordained in 1994 as a minister of the gospel. He started a bible study group in Tupelo, MS and answered God's call to the office of the teacher. He was ordained as a Pastor in 2017. He flows heavily in the gifts of healing, prophecy and deliverance. He is a prophet, intercessor and graced to train and equip ministry gifts. He has a heart and vision to bring unity to the body of Christ and a burden to see leaders in various communities across the United States join together to help their communities. He and Dr. Lavencia founded Kingdom Faith Global Church. He has a heart to mentor young men. He and Dr. Lavencia started the Prophetic Hub in Horn Lake, MS where they trained and activated people in their prophetic gifts.
Dr. Lavencia is an author, founder of Prophetic Hub Training Center, Prophetic Wings Ministries Global, The Healing and Deliverance Academy in Biloxi MS, and the founder of The Launch Church International Training Center based in FL. She has a PhD in Christian Psychology and a Doctorate in Christian Counseling. Dr. Shawver has a BSE from the University of Memphis with a concentration in Music Education. She served Shelby County Schools as a Choral and Piano Teacher for 30 years. She holds a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from LeMoyne Owen College as well as a Masters in Education Specialist Degree from Union University. After coming in direct contact with so many young girls struggling with self-esteem issues in the public school system, she heard the Lord speak the name Talitha Cumi found in Mark 5:41 which means “Damsel, I say unto you arise.” Talitha Cumi started as a young girls’ mentorship group but quickly grew to a ministry for hurting women that have suffered from emotional and physical trauma and have been trapped and stunted in their development as women because of their past. She has a passion for domestic abuse victims because of her own personal testimony. The Healing and Deliverance ministry was birthed after the Lord miraculously set her free from demonic oppression. She is truly called to set the captives free (Isaiah 61:1). Miraculous healings have taken place during these deliverance sessions.​

She is an ordained Apostle, and Prophet and is sought out by many leaders for prayer. She collaborates with many Apostolic leaders to assist in teaching online courses and travels to teach leadership classes and preach the gospel. She is also active on social media platforms.
If you would like Pastor Elim and/or Dr. Shawver to speak at a conference or training session for your ministry or leadership team, please complete the form.